
Ss47RD2's Tale of Compensating For the Lack Of Human Intelligence, Part 1

“Hmm, I wonder what I’ll eat today.”

“No, no, that’s much too subtle. We need something more flashy.”

“Urgh, this jar is so hard to open! Could you lend me a hand?”

“Oh, lordy, looks who’s back from the book store.”

I observe the faces around me, each involved in their own little conversations, none caring that there is a small 5-year-old girl standing in the corner of the room, listening in to what they are saying. Is it possible for people to be so ignorant as to actually believe that this is a family reunion? Of course, I snort, they would never imagine that one of their own flesh and blood would lie to them. Heaven forbid, if they find out that this is not a reunion, but actually part of something much, much bigger. So big they wouldn’t be able to understand. After all, they do think that I am an average kid. They would never be able to comprehend the insignificance of their existence in the universe, how petty their intelligence is compared to mine.
Earthlings can be so small-minded.

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