
Peripheral Evil: Part 16 The Chosen One Revealed

Fergus Campbell!

Sully was dumbstruck from the scene that had unfolded, especially when the magpies had flown from his own hands, but to hear his given name in the midst of all this, snapped him back to semi- reality.

He hated the name with more passion than any one person should have ability to hate their name. When Scott had moved the family, he had changed every member’s name but his. Though he had played, “It’s not fair,” card, nothing would change Scotaidh Campbell’s mind.

“Fergus! Are you listening to me?”

Sully turned in what felt like animated slow motion, to see Kara stepping from the smoldering remains of the tabernacle carrying the limp body of Rosalyn’s dead sister.

Annette and Charlotte forgot their struggle and began chanting in Celtic tongue.

Sully rubbed his eyes, “Kara?”

“Sorcha, The Light. You imbecile,” she answered matter of factly.

“What are you going to do with her?” Sully questioned.

“You tell me. You’re the Chosen One,” Kara snapped.

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