A Fight Brewing
- Carlene -
The snarls erupted from everywhere, my father’s large shape ditatched itself from the others. His evil glare turned on me, I whimpered, ducking back from the gold eyes that stared at me.
“Carlene! What are you doing out here?” He asked, movement in the shadows made him turn his head.
“Daddy…I.” But what could I say, that I was helping a wolf that wasn’t from our pack, he would never alow that.
I was still in my human form and completely volnerable to an attack. When I saw Renita’s pack come into view I phased, my little body was the smallest here.
Linus walked into view, he was all healed now and the snarls coming from his chest were directed at me. My father pushed me foreward to fight, I obliged and met him head-on.
Rumbling laughter erupted from the other pack.
“You would let this little female fight your battles, you coward!” A large deep voice called, his body hidden my the shadows.
“Though She be little, She be fierce!” My father qouted, a small laugh seeping between his teeth.