
The problem is me

So what’s wrong with me? Is it just that I am not meant for a long term committed relationship (which, coincidentally, I am currently in) that results in marriage?
Is it me? Am I the one that is unbearably flawed in some way that I can not cope with the loss of personal space and identity (perceived or otherwise)?
Or is it just that I’m not with the right person?
Oh, sure, we are good together, laugh together, have fun together – but maybe we are just not THE person for each other.
If there was just some way to perform a small, yet impossible experiment, I am SURE I could come up with a definitive answer.
If I could just shelf my current relationship, freeze time as it were, while working on the same type of relationship with a different person, that would be so helpful.
Because, if, after the same amount of time had lapsed in the new relationship, I was still experiencing the same problems, then I would know (without a doubt) that the problem is me.

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