
A Favor With Strings Attached

Sassy loved being the center of attention. If the world didn’t revolve around her, she simply didn’t exist. Unless, of course, Becca was involved. Becca was her lifeline, the glue that kept her existence airtight and on time. So it’s a very good thing Sassy didn’t answer her phone when Becca called nine times, while she and Paul were in the midst of foreplay.

If Sassy had known that Jameson had crushed her Becca like a spider, she’d have never been willing to be his advocate. At the station, she asked for Officer Milo. When he didn’t show up quick enough, she demanded to speak to the Chief.

Officer Milo appeared, instantaneously.

“Did your wife like the ‘special thing’ I mentioned?” Sassy asked.

“She loved it! In fact, she can’t wait ‘till my shift is over. You have singlehandedly improved my love life. Now, what is this favor you need?”

“Well, it’s a bit tricky. I need you to drop the charges on my pal Jameson, but only if he agrees to dropping Prandi and getting with Becca.”

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