
Why ugly step sissters hate Cinderella

I know everyone hates us beacuse we were the ugly sissters of Cinderella the best prinsess in the th…...... blah blah blah well if you hate us at least hear our side…...Once apon a story there lived 2 not ugly sissters Where their mother was a gulibel woman looking for love which we knew would not happen she found him but he died in a horse accident and she was far to old even if she did find it she was incredably rich(not the way cindabrat tells it)but then comes along a young man with 1 daughter and theywere not doing so well so we gave them a place to sleep thats i guess not all of what happened beacuse soon theygot married Cinderella never did enything good so she was forced to do our choirs(sound different) UHHH ihate how she lies and were the bad ones

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