The Gerideon Chronicles: Chapter 1, Part 3
Sir Bryon arose with great wrath in his heart, and armed himself well with his sword and shield before he went to the door and threw it open. The lady Luniver came out with him, sobbing, and she did throw herself into the arms of another man.
Husband, she said unto him that had called, full-well know thou that I am naught but true to thee, and know ye that this man has forced himself upon our house and our honor; and he made to threaten me with his sword until I cried and wept and let him do as he would.
Lies! cried Sir Bryon, full-well into his rage now. Thou devil woman, thou hast dishonored me with thy deceits, and I’d as liefer die than be made a foul brigand in men’s eyes!
And the man she had called husband put her behind him and drew his sword, as did another stout fellow beside him. Sir Bryon made ready, but spoke unto them: Hold, sirs, and know ye this. I have been deceived and wronged, here, but heed my words and understand that I will defend my body, for I have quests of great import to complete!