
Time for Me to Fly 33

When my alarm went off the next morning, I automatically sat up…and hit my head. I hit it so hard that I rebounded right back off of the ceiling of the bus onto my pillow.

“SNAP.” I was moaning. That did not feel good. My alarm was still beeping and all of a sudden I heard a thud followed by, “Dang it stupid freakin ceiling.” All of this was followed by an outburst of laughter. I pulled open my curtain and light streamed in. All the little bunks were empty except for Dizzy who was just peeling back her curtain also.
Nick walked down the little hallway and looked at both of us smiling.
“Very nice. We could here you guys in the front of the bus.” He lifted his eyebrows.
“What? I blame the ceiling. It just came out of nowhere!” I smiled at him. I could tell by the look on Dizz’s face that she wasn’t awake enough to start cracking jokes. She huffed for a second then got down.
Mrs. Dalton walked down and put her hand on Nick’s shoulder.
“We’ll be at the hotel soon.” Dizzy and I nodded.

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