
Can't Hold Us Down

“YES! I KNEW IT ! FUCK YOU !” But after, both him and Robert asked “Wait, how?!” Greg smiled and walked around the room a bit. “She and your daughter are patients of mine. She’s around three, you know. You walked by and she got all excited screaming ‘daddy! daddy!’ I was confused so Kayla explained to me the whole story. She tells Adele about you so she doesn’t think she’s fatherless but also reminds her that she shouldn’t expect them to get married. She told me the reason you never told me was because you didn’t want me to think you’d go straight on me. This was around the time you developed your little crush on me. She said she didn’t know if you wanted me to know, so she’d leave it up to you.” Relief filled up Robert as he smiled. James was fuming mad, however. “So, you’re telling me, you’re not mad? HOW ?!” “I can understand why she’d want his kids.” Him and Robert just kept looking at each other while James stormed out. Must.Get.New.Plan.NOW.

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