And before everyone asks, yes, this will appear as little snippets with different characters. Ideally, if I take it far enough, all the characters should eventually meet one another. But you can expect each chapter to be approximately 3-8 ficlets in length, depending on how long it takes me to get the gist of what I want to accomplish across.
I feel slighted as a reader here. I’ve become attached to our two warring ninjas, and now we’ve got this dude? It’s like all of a sudden, there’s a new Darren. I’m beginning to think that you simply hate the idea of telling a story from one perspective. =P Just ribbin’ ya man. This was awesome, and so far I dig all of the characters. I’m excited to hear of Caplan’s travails as well as Sir Byron and Morley, and whoever else joins in the fun. Keep up the great work.
John Perkins