Journal of the Insane (Post #9)
July 12, 2008,
I’m sorry I haven’t gotten back to you my friend… after that man I killed “mysteriously disappeared” they’ve been looking everywhere. I was so worried they’d find him or you… but looks like luck was on my side. They did a brief search in my room and when they got to the loose wall piece, they just turned around and walked away. I’m so relieved, but the smell is starting to set in now. It’s beginning to smell like a morgue in here. The scent is not too strong yet, but if one of my captors comes in, they’d definitely know I did it… then… I don’t know what they’d do with me… I don’t even want to think about it. My dreams are becoming more panicked now… I’m starting to think twice about not taking those pills, but I’m trying to think about what to do. The smell is starting to make me vomit slightly, but I’m just hoping a strong breeze comes up and takes out the sickening scent of decomposition. If I’m ever going to sleep, I have to do it now… it’s taking me longer to fall asleep now..