

“Who’s side are you on, anyway?”
I looked back snapping into focus.
“Who’s side are you on? Mine or Marissa’s?”
I looked up at him, setting down my tripple fudge ice cream.
A look of shock covered his face.
“What? But im your best friend! You have to be on my side.”
“Not when you two are acting like children. If this fight actually had a purpose than I guess it would be important to me, but it doesnt. Besides, thers no need to involve me in your silly fight, when i had nothing to do with it.”
I picked up a book off the floor and flipped through it.
“Liz! How can you say that? This fight is not over nothing. Its about the fact that she gave me a dirty look, and-. Okay your right, its stupid. But still, I can’t let her win!”
I threw the book down at the floor, and looked him dead in the eye.
“Steven. Drop it. This is ridiculous. I told you dating would flub up your whole friendship, but you didn’t listen. So just stop talking to her, and stop talking about her. Forget she existed.”

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