2 AM Ficlet Fix
It’s 2:00 A.M. Give or take. Can’t Sleep. Must Ficlet.
How is it that a four year old can take up an entire bed is beyond my tired mind. Yet again, he has. Thirty-one pounds sprawled over a cacophony of pilllows and blankets.
Oh! Did I mention he kicks. He also thinks my face is his personal pillow. Sleep not coming. No sandman here.
Maybe, I can sleep here, he’ll never be able to crawl up onto the desk, he’s too short.
Yeah, that’s it if I kick the chair away he’ll never make it.
I just need a pillow. This keyboard doesn’t look to soft, but…
xlvhhbvdfhg ;lerugj; jb;lb h;dfjb;dfjg;djv;dljb ;adj;fkjb; ajb; jb;ldb j kdblfbjhkldfjb;lfjb;ldfbj;ldfjb;ld jbdlbjdljb;kljlbjdjbdbj.skdhfadgvn.fvn.fnvvn.nv.nv.vn.fnb. ncdnvcavbafvnfnbfkbnkl/fbn/f vsdjbf jkgf bsjm/fmb/fmb