My only suggestion here is to end the last sentence with Tom said. It’s a little jarring to end your Ficlet mid-sentence. Sort Sopranos-ish…
Yeah, not really in the spirit of a ficlet. The whole short story is here: I use ficlets for writing practice – it’s great for that & feedback (all feedback) is helpful. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Yeah, not really in the spirit of a ficlet. The whole short story is here:
I use ficlets for writing practice – it’s great for that & feedback (all feedback) is helpful. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Wow, so he was a soldier. They must of really cared about him. This is very very good!LoA
Very sweet, bordering on ironic maybe. I’m probably using it wrong. Solidly, carefully written.
solid writing (i’m such a copier) I would call it safe, not taking it over the edge and not making it t odull either.
THX 0477
N555champ /\and/\ X-Ninja