
So, One Time at Band Camp...

It’s weird being surrounded by similar people to oneself, but really neat at the same time. Sitting under a tree outside (because the room was too stifling), I hear someone jamming on a guitar, which now doesn’t seem unusual. The jammer-in-question, who I notice is in my theory class, is doing a rockin’ version of Ol’ McDonald. I laugh to myself at the cleverness of it.
Later, in the endlessly long dinner line, I hear voice-tuning behind me. Glancing and listening, I notice it’s the same jammer with two or three other people. They begin snapping their fingers in a catchy beat, and singing a jazzy-barber shop rendition of The Muffin Man in 3-part harmony. Listening to that was probably the most fun I had listening to that song.
A few days later, we’re all standing in the lunch line, and people bunched by the door break out in Bohemian Rhapsody, and naturally many line-waiters join in. Inside with pasta on my tray, I think to myself, This’ll make some good “one time at band camp” stories back home…

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