there has to be a space before and after the italics i think hey you should read the peripheral evil i quote a e waite, Hp Blavatsky and New jack city lol. thanks for always getting the references and i got your back on the censorship thing from that bad porn story because Tennessee Williams is still banned in some schools and he deals with subjects more taboo than sleeping with your neighbors dog.
Man oh man.. I’m breathless!! IS that Ficlinomicon right beside the enviro-neumonic pyreen squeeze lever?? Cuz, i keep getting it confuse with the diometric endophasic caskopralene switch.
Wait…. I just wikied trafalmadorian… You are shaped “like upright toilet plungers with a hand on top, into which is set a single green eye (copyright wikipedia, I guess)”
@OY they also created the fuel that runs the universe called the ‘universal will to become’ and as writers we do what gods cant We make characters ‘become’. gods just make em’
ha ha ALRO And thanks for the vote of awesomeness Trafal! And I am appalled at the outcome, just like my character, I mean no wonder I was so adamant about going rogue! Life by combining people for an old fashioned cock-fight! Hilarious!
Mighty-Joe Young
Lone Writer
Mighty-Joe Young
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
Mighty-Joe Young
Mighty-Joe Young
Mistress Elsha Hawk