Finding Other Torturous Activity
Awaking from his stupor, Jacek pushed Robert into a line at the front of the damp, unappetizing room.
“Do you have to eat?” Jacek wondered.
“O’ course I don’t have to eat! I could some other sort o’ torturous activity, but I’d much rather have heartburn and a stomach ache.”
Jacek cringed. He decided he would check into ‘some other sort of toturous activity.’
“Ok then. I guess I’ll see you around,” Jacek said
“Oh, yes. Good luck in hell, my boy!” Robert called and turned back to a rather frightening looking woman who was serving large amounts of unidentifiable food. Jacek decided it was time for a bit of exploring. He left the cafeteria and continued down the hall. He passed countless doors. Most of these revealed strange patients with seemingy lunatic tendencies.
One such man had his head between his knees and was pounding the floor with his fists as he scooted along it. Jacek’s eyes widened before he turned back to… an extremely attractive doctor who was suddenly right in front of him.