I knew we were screwed. Cop cars all around; hostages; and some very heavy-duty guns.
We had Kevlar vests, but that was it. No protection whatsoever.
Marcus fired shots into the cruisers. Hopefully that would get them off our backs for at least a bit.
We took the hostages upstairs and Marcus started to watch them. I myself took the bank manager downstairs. I demanded he take me to the vault. He refused, but the cold barrel of my pistol was enough to change his mind.
“Open it,” I demanded of the man, my voice at a shout.
“Okay, just please… don’t hurt anyone,” he responded.
The lock clicked open, just to reveal another layer. The manager quickly produced a key, unlocked it, and stepped back to reveal yet another layer of protection. He hesitated, the placed his hand on a small pad on the top-left corner of the small box.
We should have just brought explosives.
The vault popped open, showing bales of cash. I opened the sack with me quickly; I knew I had not much time. Then- gunshots behind me.