
I am Jesse

“What are you doing tonight?” I asked, dawdling with Ceirra after school so I wouldn’t have to go to the locker room just yet.
She shrugged, “I don’t know. You?”
I grinned, “Well, I have practice… and then I’m taking this really great girl out to dinner.”
She stared at me, confusion and hurt crossing her face. I sighed, “I was talking about you silly.”
“Oh,” she blushed.
“Are you free too? Or will your parents not be ok with it?”
She made a face, “My mom might mind, but I doubt my dad will give a shit since I havn’t seen him since I was 8.”
ouch. “Oh, my bad. Sorry,” I blushed. Sometimes it’s so easy to forget how many people have broken families.
She shrugged, “It’s ok. I’ll… call you tonight maybe… If I can… Mom probably does want to talk a bit. She’s big on the whole Mother-daughter thing.” she chuckled.
“Ok,” I sighed, I really couldn’t put off the locker room any longer, “See you tommorrow then.”
“Bye,” she waved and left.
Great. Here we go.

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