
Major Arcana: Tarot Ficlet Challenge

This is my first challenge, so I wanted to make it a good one. I think it’ll be fun.

There are basically three rules to this challenge:

1. Each ficlet should have a title in the form of “Part 1: The Magus” using any tarot card you like from the list below.

2. Any prequels or sequels should be in numerical order. Feel free to start with whatever card you want here, as long as you go in order when prequelling or sequelling other ones.

3. Each ficlet should use the tarot card of the title as inspiration, using the symbolism, etc. So for example, Part 7: The Chariot could be a chase scene or Part 1: The Magus could introduce a character with some special knowledge. The Rider Waite deck is a good one to use.

And lastly, the Challenge: To get at least one full story with beginning, middle and end. Let’s see if we can get at least one string of ficlets going from part 0 to part 21. Can you help me? I hope I don’t have to do it all myself!

Card list for reference:

Any questions?

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