

“Fuck that lights bright”.
That’s usually the first thing that goes through your mind when you die. Not so much,”where am i”, ” did i just die”, but ” Fuck that’s bright”. I honestly still can’t believe it. They told me i would eventually get used to the fact that I’m dead once more of my loved ones come “here”. I quote “here”, for the simple fact that I’m not sure where “here” is. Maybe I’m over-reacting, maybe i just fell asleep in a tanning bed again, maybe.
Another thing, that they tell you is to not even bother trying to remember how you died. No matter how peaceful it may have been, it’s still traumatic on the soul.
Everything you’ve ever learned is wrong. Memories are stored in the soul. Your soul, looks in the way that you perceive you look. there’s just so much to say, i have all the time in the world, but sadly you don’t, you’ll understand soon enough…

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