

Cain knew something was wrong with Roland the instant that he stepped back through the gate. His stride was different…hesitant even. It was a disconcerting observation on a number of levels. That their leader displayed doubt in this moment of triumph was worrying indeed.

Perhaps it was somehow related to Jacques’ sullen retreat through the castle’s courtyard just a half hour earlier? But Jacques had always held these battles too close to his heart. They weighed on him too heavily. His reaction was expected. Anticipated even.

But Roland. This was something else.

Almost timidly Roland approached Cain, furtively glancing around as if frightened their conference would be noticed.

“Cain, I need help. This battle is far from over. There are traitors in our midst.”

Cain was shocked. He retrieved his war hammer from where it leaned against the wall.

“Anything, Roland,” he said. “You know that.”

Roland smiled while his eyes darted around them.

“I’ll call you when it’s time,” Roland whispered, slinking away.

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