
Raising the Flagpole

“Wow, Jim, that’s such a generous thing for you to do. How much will we have to raise? You think it will it work?”

“It’s gonna be expensive, Mindy, but what I have planned will be unlike anything anyone has ever seen, and the total cost will be well over $300,000. You raise half the money and I’ll have it finished by Flag Day. Our flag has power, Mindy. When he sees it flying there above Pete’s grave, it may – well, it just may be what it takes. It’ll really be something. I can promise you that much!”

Several weeks later, the members of the Lost Tears web site raised enough money to build the flagpole. Thousands gathered for the dedication. Throughout the cemetery were war veterans of mixed generations, family, friends, patriots, and news crews.

All eyes were skyward as Jim Johnson and his Flying Colors staff hoisted the flag over 300 feet into the air. When the flag reached the top of the pole, it caught a strong breeze and rippled into a breathtaking display of colorful red-white-and-blue cloth.

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