

tonight’s the final day
tonight’s the final straw
Tonight’s the day of the Battle
in which the stars shall fall
The sun will die red as innocent blood
The Moon will mourn himself dull
The Earth will be no more
And it will be every man for himself
But on the contrary
Through such pain, flaws, and affliction
We stay together as I die within you.
-To Her

Seperated thoughts continue to combine in the most unusual ways in my mind. They seem to make things unknown or thought impossible to exist as real as smiling dolphins. Aphroditee beauty and Athena Wise. Yet Satanic by the second in search for Divine Eyes.

Demonic Smiles as we enjoy miles of entertainment where the clouds of love rain pleasure upon our very skin. Covering us in something we can’t define. Not because we’re Newlyweds, but because we’ve yet to stop. Light years ahead as we re-interpret making Love and clouds no longer drop rain, but rain clouds Drop…
-Get it

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