

I am lost in dreams of the past.
I wonder what you might think of where, who, what I am today.
I hear your voice telling me loving things.
I see a photo of you laughing at someone taking a picture.
I want to feel your arms around me, keeping me safe.
I am missing you so much.


I pretend you can see me, from where you might be today.
I feel your presence, even though you cannot be here.
I touch the ring you gave me, so many years ago.
I worry about her, with you gone.
I cry at movies, when there are characters that remind me of you.
I am still grieving your loss.


I understand it was your time to go.
I say that it’s okay, and told you it was, when you needed to hear that.
I dream you are still with me, helping me find things.
I try to be the best I can, someone you’d be proud to call your own.
I hope that I am that person, and that you are at peace and happy.
I am always your daughter, your girl, your pumpkin.

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