
Fairy tale challenge - Two sisters (results and special mentions)

Two weeks had just passed by, so, as I promised, it’s time to give some mentions, credits and gift. However, latecomers can still write what they want when they want, if they’re worthy they will have public as well.

BARomero gets the host favourite: simple, clean and with a clear twist that if developed would do wonders, much like the real fairy tales, in which things were much stranger and crueler than they could seem.

The mature award is given to “The Devil in a Tux” of Trafalmadorian. Mature because it’s way kinkier even if compared to the gory stories of rape, mutilations and fetishes the fairy tales were in the past, but I think we’re all adults and used to kinkier things here.

OrangeOreos… well, he pulled out a “false start”, since he started from the first half. Yet, since I’ve got a sweet tooth for twisted endings, I couldn’t resist to his humoristical and gory final punchline

It’s just left Punkin, with a classic introduction.

So, BARomero runs for the mainstream, and Traf for the mature

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