David's Intentions
No, she couldn’t have died. I never got the chance to explain. If only she knew maybe…maybe she wouldn’t have done this.
You see the local authorities believed that Breanna’s death was intentional. Why wouldn’t they, after they heard what David had to say about the breakup it just confirmed that Breanna must have taken her own life.
But….but…how could she have done this. I loved her. She meant so much to me.
“Ok David you can stop this act now”
“Ha, Michelle, baby you’re right our planned worked”
” I know and the best part is they belived it was suicide”
You see I wanted Breanna dead, she was getting in the way of me and Michelle. Don’t you see keeping her around would have complicated things. Yes, it was challenging rigging her breaks to well break, but in the end all my money and hard work had been worth it. As long as no one figures it out….