
Answers Only Bring About Questions

The light glowed brighter, “Well, that explains it. It’s a rare scenario but I’ve seen it before. Ha,” he laughed to himself, “Not much that I haven’t seen before. But, so, I’m fairly sure why you’re here.”

The light began to float gracefully around the room.

“Ahem,” Jacek prodded, “I’m here because…?”

“Oh, yes that. I believe you’ve come here as a result of the man who shot you. As much as he seemed very angry he was also just as frightened as you were. He needed that money. In the end, your emotions were almost identical. So you see, you were easily mixed up with a very bad fellow because you were feeling the same things.”

“How does that make any sense at all?” Jacek glanced at the doctor who was examining one of her blood-red nails, then back to the light. It had grown and more brilliant as it proceeded with it’s explanation.

“What is a soul but what it is feeling and thinking? Or, that is how we see you from here. The answer is that it was simply a mistake.”

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