Witch Jack
Eyes fixed on the distant farm house, Collin trudged through muddy, fallow fields, his friends in tow in various states of emotional distress. Poor Suzy whimpered, taking her prancing, tentative steps as she followed close behind Collin. She would reach out every few minutes, perhaps for reassurance, perhaps for some kind of anchor.
Kyrie had let panic leave her hours ago, taking up a similarly stoic approach to Collin, though hers covered not a knowing but a complete and utter lack of knowledge. Still, there was something in Collin she trusted, always had. Aaron, on the other hand, was stomping along, arms waving about, muscular chest heaving under his very dirty Ramones T-shirt.
“Dude,” Aaron pleaded, “Fill us in, man. I mean, what the…”
“I told you..”
“Like crap you did. My car goes missing, the lake bubbles and smells like cabbage, birds fly around backwards, I’m peeing liquid bubble gum, and now the clouds go all wonky. And all you say is, ‘Witch’. Dude, you ain’t told us jack!”