
The Beginning of a Nightmare

9 year old Dani Cartwright was kidnapped on July 4th.

Her family was having a neighborhood picnic, doors wide open and everyone drinking and having a good time in the backyard. The child went inside to use the bathroom and never came back out. By the time her parents noticed her absence, she was gone, along with her father’s hand gun, half of the guests’ wallets and her mother’s silver. Everything of value was stolen, including their little girl.

Brixton and Judy Cartwright appealed to the kidnappers through television and radio, begging for those holding their child not to harm her. The police followed the few leads they had, all of which turned up nothing. By July 18th the police had given up hope and advised the Cartwrights to do the same.

But then the kidnappers called.

“If you want to see Dani again you’ll do just as we say.” But they needed proof, the hope in their chests flared as Dani’s voice came on the phone.
“Mommy? Mommy is that you? I’m scared. I want to come home.”

Her parents then agreed.

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