
Psh. So They Think...

If we’re so shelterd then why do we know the best places to get drugs cheap, how to get on the roof with no traces (in the first place), and probably more about the opposite sex than they want us too?

If you seriously think that by keeping us in a parochial school will shelter us more. Your crazy! It just makes us want get out there and do that stuff more! Be free! Run in the wind! There are probably more kids in public school that know less about this stuff than we do.

And where do we hear it? EVERYWHERE ! open your eyes parents. It’s all over the place now-a-days! There are freaking commericials on TV selling condoms!, Birth control pills, and Giving us new ideas to go kill ourselves. (slumming, ring a bell?)

look, i’m not the one who does this stuff, cause actually i live a pretty normal life. But, that doesnt’ mean i dont’ think about it.

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