A Tragic Truth...
“For the past year, you’ve been the only real friend I’ve had, Lacey… You see, after my sister ran away two years ago, my parents kinda broke down and forgot I existed… And rumors spread around school.. rumors about things I supposedly did to her to make her run away… Even my best friends started looking at me as if I were a complete freak whenever I came near.. They all lied when they said they’d never leave me.. Even my girlfriend I had at the time dumped me because she was afraid of what I might do to her… So basically the whole school thought I was either a rapist or some sort of child abuser…”
Lacey’s grip on my hand had been growing tighter with each passing minute.
“Oh Adam…”
I put my free hand over hers.
“My parents saw me depressed, and they decided to send me to counciling, which only made things worse… They insisted that I’d done something to my sister, even after I told them a million times I didn’t… No one believed me… except my parents, and you…”