
One Budding Writer's Outlook

Fog gives surroundings a certain grandeur other climates don’t; I find it intriguing.

This wonderful weather comes only with the rarely blown Northern wind, and when it does arrive, we all enjoy it immensely.

If it’s morning, the sun looks pale, and you can gaze at it directly without hurting your eyes.

The mist slowly creeps up into the yard, gently gripping the trees’ branches with silky fingers.

Sometimes, I like to stand on the stump of the old felled almond tree, and pretend that I’m a sorceress parting the mists of Avalon.

It’s all but a fantasy, but the magical surroundings make the dreams come true, and I can see the people around me; I can see the story come to life.

For a moment, in the throes of imagination, the characters are flesh and blood—they can speak and interact, laugh and cry.

And then, with one simple poke, the entire world collapses into shards, with nothing but a reflection of what it used to be.

But truly, the best thing about it is that you can start all over again.

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