
Prosopagnosia: The Dream

” Nothing is sacred” He said to her as he walked away from the lifeless body.

” What have you done?” She said to him her voice filled with panic and shock.

“Nothing” he said scornfully as he began to drag the body to the waters edge.

The sun was setting into a bloody red ocean. A chill breeze sent shivers through her body. What had she witnessed? Who was this man? Who was she?

With a look of menace he turned toward her. He walked toward her. She knew she should run, but she could not. Her feet were as heavy as wet sand.

Gasping she woke up sweating in her bed. Who was she? She looked around her. She was in a small hospital room. Green and red lights flickered in the darkness.

The dream had frightnened her, but not near as much as the realization that she could not answer the final question of her dream. Who was she?

She placed her feet on the cold tile floor and walked toward a small bathroom. She went in.

She stared into the mirror at a vaguley familer face.
“Who are you?”

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