
My Son, the Magician

Not the dishwasher again. I don’t know how many times that confounded thing has had a tantrum this week alone. Stomping around on the kitchen floor in there, what nerve! You see, we got a problem here. My son, you know, the one with the magic powers, well he thought it’d be funny to see what would happen if the dishwasher came alive. And you know what’s wrong with that picture, don’t cha? So now we got a livin’, breathin’, tantrum-throwin’ dishwasher that might as well be another child. What’s next, another inanimate object coming to life? No, I don’t wanna give that boy any more crazy ideas.

Anyway, about the dishwasher, you can hear it in there, right? So as I was sayin’, it come alive about.. oh say, four or five weeks ago. Haven’t been able to get a single load a’ laundry done. Everythin’ just stinks to high heavens.. Oi, it’s a real mess. What’s that? Well that’s mighty nice of you mister, but unless you got magical powers too, you’re gonna have to convince my son to fix it. My son, the magician.

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