
Three Things (part two)

“Ge’ m’body ‘n’ take it home-”

“I’ll make sure you have a good and proper funeral and are buried in a nice spot-”

“No!” Rooster’s head shrieked and his head jerked as if he would have gone after Piggy if he could have. “Ya’ go in Roos’ shack. Ya’ look unda’ Roos’ bed. In cigar box unda’ Roos’ bed in Roos’s shack, recipe f’ Roos’ Fam’ly Extr’ Hot Nucul’r Buff’lo Sauce-”

Piggy’s eyes widened in horror as he realized what Rooster was saying. He started to squeal.

“This how Roos’ fam’ly stay strong, Pig! Eat soul of war’yar, ya’ become’ war’yar! You gon’ be strong lik’ a Roos’a’! You’n’ Roos’ junior bo’! Prom’s’ m’, Pig! Prom’s’!”

“I… alright.” Piggy wasn’t sure he could keep the promise, but he made it anyway. But it seemed to be enough for the Rooster.

Anyway, that’s how the Rooster died.

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