
Discovering My New Home

“Sam, take a sip of this,” God held out a silver goblet with angels sketched on it. I took a sip of the white, bubbling liquid. It tasted like some moutain dew mixed with a strawberry daiquiri. Yuck. Something in that drink woke me right up, making me discover the antique white mini doctor’s office I was in. There were four nurses that all looked the same with their 40’s scrubs and short, curly brown hair.

“You seem wide awake now,” God said to me. “Let’s go for a walk,” He lead me outside where I saw a bunch of these tiny buildings. We began walking toward big pillars in the distance surrounding a giant foutain.

“Sam, I know your a little scared about being here, but it was almost your time to die. The next morning on your way to work, you would’ve been hit by a car.”

“Um, God, person… this is all a little strange. Can I get a hotel room around here? I need some time to think.”

“Sure! I’ll escort you myself.”

All of a sudden, we were inside a masion that shoul’ve been in the Hamptons.

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