
white angel

I always feel like I am the black sheep of my family, I have that family that talks about you behide your back.

I am the one who was there when my dad died. They felt sorry for my sister, who cried when she walked in the hospital. I visited my dad everyday at my lunchtime. No one knew I was there everyday. And I never said anything.

I was there when my aunt died. My Aunt Frog.
I went over her house and watched as she passed away. I hugged her kids and told them how sorry I was.

I was the one who watched my grandmom die.
I was always at her side until the end when her daughter and son finally stepped in.

At all of these funerals my family cried.
I sat there with no tears.
I said and did everything I could, I had no regrets.

I noticed that the ones crying were the ones never there.
They were also the ones who wanted pity.

I watched death. I did cry. I felt great lost.

I coud be called the black sheep, but I prefer a white angel.

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