
Ignorance Must Burn (Part 3)

Inside the building she ascended up the long steps, heading past the secretary, internal medicine, and surgery designated floors. Up here was mental health, where she nursed the minds of the young and the weak. Something she always aspired to do since she was a mere teenager.

Laughter sprang from his lips when he remembered the truth of it all.

He was a mental case, some would say. Not one with a right mind, perhaps. The kindest man you could meet. Always polite, never rude. Unless you got on his bad side. Only three people have ever done that, and because of it, he lost quite a few acquaintances. But he didn’t care, not one bit. It was only recently when he realized the truth.

A pen was pulled out from his side by his right hand, while he swung a notebook around and opened it with his left.

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