Songz Meeting 2 (LA Series)
Trey opened the door, five minutes later and let his business executive staff in his home.
“Sorry about that guys, lets get down to business.” Trey said.
“Well first, Trey lets talk about your next single off your album, Trey Day.” Mara, personal assistant.
Trey and his associates began to discuss in details his next move. 30 minutes later, Laura Ann walked down in a business suit. She looked great.
“Hello, guys.” she said as she walked past them.
“Bye baby” said Trey as she kissed him on the lips.
“I’m off to work” she said as she shut the door.
“And Trey, we have to talk about her!” said Kory, his image consultant.
“You want to talk about my girlfriend? Why?” said Trey.
“Um, she isnt a good image for you.” Kory said.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, your audience are young single & married women, and even some young men, your image doesnt have any room for a girlfriend. To better your image, you need to get rid of her.”
“What, you serious.”
“Yes. This concludes this meeting. We will be in touch.”