
Journeys* [1]

“That girl is so DANGEROUS !” Louie sang.

“Alright cut it out man.” I shoved him.

“Hahaha no need for violence, but i hate to say i told you so.”
He was talking about my recent ex girlfriend. I broke up with her. Why? Well let’s just say she did the dirty with my ex best friend Nate.

“Yeah whatever. So now they’re a couple?” I had to ask. “Or was it a one night stand?”
“I heard he asked her out, and she said yeah, so yup they’re a couple.”
“Oh come on Adam, you still like her?”
“Oh God no.” Truth is, i still have feelings for her.
“Alright..let’s go to class.”

“Hey guys!” A male voice called.
We turned around. Nate.
“Whuddup?” Nate said, not looking at me.

“See you later bro’.” I bumped fists with Louie and walked off to class.

We both had Spanish together but of course he’s gonna talk to Nate.

I walked in and sat in my usual chair against the wall.

“Hey babe.”

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