
500 Errors and a Strange Ficlets BandAid

I can almost hear the crickets chirruping each time I finally get past the Internal Server Error and get a peek at the stories list. sigh I am sure whomever is manning this ship has a full box by now, so I am not going to bother sending another bug report, but I have come across what I am calling my Ficlets Bandaid.

Unfortunately, like a Bandaid on a gaping wound that needs multiple stitches; it’s only a partial help some of the time. Instead of getting an hundred “Ouch that hurts!” I am getting thirty. (Then again, it might not work for everyone.)

What I have discovered, is that if I keep two tabs (or windows) open with running on both, things seem to work more smoothly. I have no idea why this is helping, only that it does.

I’ll just hang around and bounce echoes off the sides of the scrollbars until the titles start rolling again. ;D I would comment, but I am afraid that in my constant clicking some of you would have thirty “resent” messages before the server cooperated.

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