Room mates part 5 the play
We were half way through the school year. Me Taylor and Krissy were looking at the Activity Board. “Hey Guys look at this.” Krissy said. She pulled out 3 fliers from the little bin. “School Play. Camp Rock” Taylor said. “Cool. Whens the tryouts?”I asked. “Next week” said Krissy. “O.K. let me take one for Casey and Cassie.” I grabbed two more fliers and head off to meet them.
“Cassie, Casey, look at this. School Play, Camp Rock. Do you wanna do it” I asked. “Of couse they said. “o.k. Tryouts are next week see you at home.” I said.
When I got home my little sister, Julia and Jerry were sitting at the front step. “Guys what are you doing out here?” I asked. “No ones home.” Jerry said. “I was dropped off from Soccer practice and he was sitting here.” Julia said. It was February and We were really cold. I used my key to open the door and I felt the heat inside my house. I made hot chochocolate for my sister. My brother had fruit punch and then went in his room. “Guys if you need anything ill be in my room” “Ok”