
Stargazing In Your Eyes

I lay upon the asphalt,
still warm from the days’ sun,
and stare up into the dark, starry sky.
Breathing in,
I take in all there is about this moment:
your face above me,
eyes staring into mine,
the cool night air.
The way I can feel my heart accelerate in the second before our lips touch,
and how even as I lie in the middle of the road,
there is nothing I fear,
for I know that you’ll let nothing harm me.

Thinking back now,
just an hour after my memory,
I smile,
remembering what was going on in my head at that moment.
I never thought it was possible,
I thought I’d felt everything there was to feel;
I was wrong.
I can’t remember ever being happier than I was at that time,
stargazing in your eyes.

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