
Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Out of Reach

After trekking through the woods for what seemed like hours on end, Trevor was relieved when he saw what appeared to be a small village ahead.

Within minutes, he arrived and began to look around, hoping to run into some form of human life. He walked through the empty streets, taking in the sights. The blazing street lamps, the well built houses, the smooth, paved road.

“This is kind of surreal, really.” He said aloud.

He continued to walk until he reached what he assumed was the center of the village. The road ended at what seemed to be a plaza. It was surrounded, much like the road, by houses and street lamps, but there was nothing there.

Trevor walked to the innermost area of the plaza to get a better view. He was shocked that he’d not seen atleast one person the entire time he was there. Infact, he hadn’t even seen a shadow moving behind the window of the many houses he passed.

Suddenly, the temperature dropped sharply, the ground began to shake violently, and the entire village went dark.

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