
The Little Jimmy Chronicles:Book 1-Chapter 2

” Somebody call 911!My little Jimmy is gone!” Little Jimmy’s mom yelled out into the street.

She went back up the steps, opened the kitchen door, closed it, and went inside.Her forehead was as red as a pomegranete. She was pacing in circles; worried lines were all over her face…

Meanwhile,the box budged a bit and slid down the wooden kitchen floor.Then, all of a sudden, grotesgue, slimy, muscular, green arms and legs sprouted out of the cardboard cereal box.Muffled screams camefrom the box.

” Hmm…What’s that noise?MICHAEL!COME DOWN HERE !!!” Little Jimmy’s mom yelled.

” I swear he must be up to something, always torturing poor Little Jimmy, ” she muttered under her breath.

Olive shaped,corn-colored eyes popped out of the cereal box. The eyes circled the room and looked towards the window. When Little Jimmy’s mom wasn’t looking, the cereal box hopped up over the cabinets and onto the counter, and out the window!!!


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