The Cindi Lauper Of Lawler Avenue (Willi Wonka Challenge)
Summer was the worst time for a fashon conscious fourth grader. I mean mom wasnt going to buy summer clothes when i could just wear my school clothes cut-offs. That wouldn’t be such a big deal if i wasn’t in love with the vision of heaven, Joanna Fullilove. I had to look my best for this Cindi Lauper of Lawler Avenue. She was such a site, i even heard she was going to be wearing a training bra soon.
So to supplement my summer duds i put up flyers everywhere to mow lawns. I covered all the poles on my street, and ran out of flyers. Then I asked Mrs Mconory if she could give me a ride to get more. She is such a wonderful lady, but she is sensitive to the light, i think on account of her always wearing sunglasses. I first explained my plight of love and nice clothes,and asked if she was moving, because i had to help her load a fridge. She said no she wasnt the one moving, and took me to the copy place. Then two days later someone covered all my flyers with some missing person flyers. Love is alot of work.