
Long Lost Love in a Book Store(part 2)

My heart dropped down to the very pit of my stomach. My breath caught in my throat.There, right in front of me, right there. The books in my arms dropped.
“Travis!” He looked much the same. His round face cut hansomely. His brown hair went down over his ears. He looked up with his dark eyes that I once loved.
“Chelsie?” He suddenly rushed forward and hugged me in his warm arms. I hugged him back stongly, ignoring the odd stares I got from the lady behind the counter. I gently pulled away, brushing back my curly dirty blond hair.
“I can’t believe it! After all these years. I’ve found you.” he sighed looking deep into my eyes. “You look fine, How are you?” I smiled
“Well, I have a job a couple town’s away. ” Travis kept staring at me.
“So you still dancing?”
“Yes, of couse.” I spoke remembering that that was where I met him so many years ago. ” I teach ballet and once I month I compete in ballroom dancing.” Travis looked away.
“I stopped shortly after I left,” I looked away also, feeling awkward.

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