
Waste My Life for You

Some things you are never ready for. A death, a cheating boyfriend, exams. This would be one of those moments.

“Sari, I love you…” James whispers in my ear as we sit watching the huge bonfire.

“Wha?” I manage to sputter as I choke on my drink. “Seriously?”

“Yeah…We’ve been friends for so long, we’ve been through everything together, it’s kind of hard not to.”

“But…You’re James…” I stare at him in disbelief. I can’t bear to look at his face; hopeful, adorable, and pleading.

“I know. But I though…since you know, you aren’t with Gerad anymore…You have this big hole in your life, and it seems like it’s just my size.” His face is iluminated by the fire, making him seem more vulnerable than ever.

“James…I don’t know what to say..”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to say anything, I get it.” He gets up and starts walking towards his car. I run up, sprinting after him. I reach him and grab his arm, only to see that he’s crying.

“Just leave me alone okay?”

“I love you too” I whisper.

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