Black Tuesday [Who F@#$ed Ficlets? a challenge]
The matter-stream was, once, unfailing. A constant flow of power, energy and data. As the “PUBLISH” button was pushed, a never ending series of packets and switches were sent at the speed of light through tunnels of copper and fibre-optic excellence.
Kevin was the master of this universe. Now, usurped by his replacement.
The Powers-That-Be at AOL , crushed at the loss of Father of Ficlet-land, saught after a celebrity to take the helm of the worlds finest Literary Social Community. Only none were really available. BUT ONE !
Homer Simpson! cue theme
Tuesday, July 29th:
“Good morning, Homer,” from one, unnamed AOL Exec.
“Mmmm Doooonuts!” Homer drools.
“Everything ok here then?” said exec laughs nervously.
“Ooooh, peanuts .. I loooove peanuts! oooh what’s this icon do, I wonder.” Homer type Format C:
Screen flashes, “ooh look at all the flashy lights,”
Error: SQL server Down.
Exec wonders, “What’s happening?”
“Nothing good sir. Did someone say ‘beer’?” he smiles, “Mmmm Beeeeeeeeeeeer!! “